Ngeposari village is a tourism village located in Gunung Kidul precisely in Semanu, Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta. As tourism village, Ngeposari village has tourism potency that should’t be underestimated. This village is actually an agricultural area so most of its villagers work as a farmer and a craftsman. Ngeposari tourism village has several nature tourism destinations that could become a good place to have a fun vaction. Those destinations are such as:

Thotho Cave
This cave is located in Jragum. The uniqueness of this cave is the existence of the underground river inside the cave. Although, the cave has been developed as the nature tourism destinations, the underground river of the cave is still used as the one of local people’s water resourses if a drought comes or the local people are hard to find clean water resource. To reach Thotho cave, you can go there on foot or even by motorbike because the access is really easy. You can find the sign board direction along the road to get Thotho cave. Don’t be afraid to ask to local people around if you can’t find yet Thotho cave location.

Jlamprong Cave Complex
Jlamprong cave is located in Mojo village. It is kind of watery horizontal cave. We can disover the beautiful active stalactite and stalagmite inside the cave that looks like as cave ornament. We can also hear the sound of thousand bats live on the top of the cave wall. If you are entering this cave you will get the water drops on you called as “soko guru”. This water drops are believed as a luck carrier. Jlamprong cave is actually becoming a part of the three caves complex which consists of Gesing, Sinden, and Jlamprong cave. To get to the area of the 3 caves, you need only to pay IDR 25,000 and you can explore all those 3 caves.

Limestone Crafts
One of the featured products of Ngeposari tourism village that you can find here is the limestones crafts. This limestone crafts industry is precisely situated in Wojo. Along this village, we can find local crafting industries or houses made with beautiful stone architecture decoration. Actually there are not yet many craftman who make this limestone crafts. But, you will see the extraordinary prouduct once you came to that village. This limestone craft is even internationally exported especially in several Asian and European countries. The main value of this limestone crafts is in its manual creating process, it means that the craftsman doesn’t use mould to creat their product so they can make an authentic and unique crafts product. The buyers can also buy custom crafts according to what they like.

You don’t need to worry about the facilities in Ngeposari tourism village. The local administrator provided already complete facilities in each tourist destination to fulfil the visitor’s needs during the vacation in this area. There are parking area, toilet, gazebo, food court area, and homestay.


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