You shouldn’t be confused again now, if you want to take your kids to have vacation or to go out on weekend because since December 20, 2015 in Sleman Yogyakarta, there has been established Bhumi Merapi Agro tourism. Bhumi Merapi Agro tourism is the new tourism destination located in Kaliurang Street 20 Km, precisely behind the village hall of Harjobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Just like its name, this tourist destination is situated in Merapi Mount slope.

The concept provided by this tourism destination is educating the visitors. That’s no wonder if this tourist destination is such nice alternative to have a family vacation.

Entering the area of this agro tourism, we will find a building of Joglo where we can enjoy sitting and relaxing. In front of Joglo, there is an icon of a trunk that grows right on the ground of Merapi mount that can be used as the visitor’s photo spot.

In this Bhumi Merapi Agro tourism, you can take your kids to see and to directly interact with the animals provided. Those activities are such as feeding the rabbit, trying to touch a snake, milking the goat of etawa, or giving water to baby goat, and having interaction with turtles. There is always an animal keeper and guide in each animal post where they will be ready to accompany your kids to interact with the animals.

Not only having a kind of mini zoo, this Bhumi Merapi agro tourism has also an interesting outbound area. There are also some ponies that the children can ride. It will make them feel so happy absolutely. You don’t need to worry about that activity because there is a guide who’s ready to take care of your children when they are ridding the pony.

You need only to pay 10.000 to bring your children to this area, and you can take them to ride the pony to around the location of Bhumi Merapi. It will obviously be fun and your vacation will be more interesting.

You shouldn’t be worry about the entrance fee ticket. It costs really cheap and affordable. You need to pay only Rp 10.000 for an entrance ticket. By this affordable price, you can enter the location of Bhumi Merapi agro tourism.

You can take your children to walk around or to enjoy the outbound activities provided. Those outbound activities are specially offered for the children. So, other than having interaction with the animals, you can also take them to have an adventurous activity.


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