Have you planned vacation to Gunungkidul? Do you want to travel to the beach area? Nguyahan Beach is one of the beaches should visit in your itinerary. This beach is located in Kanigoro Village, Saptosari, Gunungkidul. Precisely on the west side of Ngobaran Beach. From the center of Jogja City you can drive towards Piyungan, and then continue drive until you reach Pathuk. From Pathuk drive to Playen, Paliyan, Trowono Market, Kanigoro, then follow the directions towards Ngobaran beach. Nguyahan Beach is located next to Ngobaran Beach.

It will take approximately 1.5 hours without traffic jams. Access to Nguyahan Beach is quite easy, that’s accesible by motorcycle or car. This beach has just developed as a new tourist destination. So, it’s not really familiar for public to visit this beach. Even the development of this beach is in quite short time, but the facilities provided are quite complete here. A spacious parking area, public toilets, a prayer room, and some food stalls are available.
The location of Nguyahan Beach and Ngobaran Beach is very close one with other. Only about 200 meters away. Visitors are given the option to parking their vehicle in the Ngobaran Beach area or at Nguyahan Beach. Even though it is close to Ngobaran Beach, Nguyahan Beach has its own charm so it is dispointing if you miss this beach while on vacation in Gunungkidul.

One of the principal of this beach is that the beach is sloping, clean and still natural. Not many tourists have come to this beach, and it’s made Nguyahan Beach like a paradise whose beauty is still hidden. The beach administrator also seems to be very aware of the cleanliness of the beach environment, it’s seen from the some many trash cans provided.

The origin of the name Nguyahan came from when the Dutch colonized in Indonesia, the Nguyahan Beach area was known as a salt-producing area. So, it’s because why this beach is called Nguyahan Beach which comes from the word “uyah” in Indonesian means salt.
In Nguyahan beach, the visitors can swim and play in the sand on this beach. This beach has beautiful corals which are as home to small colorful fish. Observing cute sea animals is a fun activity that you can try here. Moreover, this area is still few of visitation, so the atmosphere is still fresh and beautiful. Another interest about Nguyahan Beach is the seaweed. Usually these seaweeds are harvested by residents and used as processed seafood suitable for taking to home. The taste of the seaweed here as special as the seaweed on other famous beaches.

The beauty of Nguyahan Beach is not less beautiful to other beaches for its sunset, the sky of Nguyahan Beach will slowly turn reddish to orange, making anyone who sees it amazed. On this beach you will feel the atmosphere of a very calm to enjoy the sunset because not many visitations. It rarely that you find this precious moment like this on other beaches, right? The coral is one of the best spots to enjoy the sunset on Nguyahan Beach. Make sure to bring your camera because the beauty of the sunset is extraordinary and that’s perfect.

In Nguyahan Beach area, there are no accommodations or villa. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t take overnight there. You can do kind of camping around Nguyahan Beach. It will be great if you come as a group with your friends. One of the primary things you have to do when camping on Nguyahan Beach is to grill fish or make a barbecue party, it will be very exciting. And don’t forget to wake up in the early morning around 1 or 2 in the morning. If the sky is clear, we will be clearly see the perfect view of thousands of stars.

That was special about Nguyahan Beach. For those of you who are curious to see the beauty of Nguyahan Beach, you will only pay of Rp 5000 for the entrance ticket. Plus a parking fee of Rp 5,000 for motorcycle and Rp 10,000 for car.


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