One of the beaches that you shouldn’t miss while you are visiting to Gunung Kidul is Ngandong Beach. This beach is situated next to Indrayanti Beach. When we compare this beach to other beaches in Gunung Kidul, Ngandong beach is not that well known. But once you arrive at this beach you will be amazed at its super exotic scenery. The clear sea water and very clean beach are ready to welcome you.

The wave in this beach tends to be quite with the wide coastline, it will be really please your eyes. In another corner of the beach you will find fishing boats neatly lined up with beautiful colorful designs. It is very nice for the photography lovers to take photos of that object. This beach is fewer visitations on weekdays. So when you visit other than the holiday, you will feel like in your private beach.

This beach is unique because it seems that it is flanked by two karst rock hills on the right and left. Beautiful and green karst hills make the scenery even more beautiful and very instagrammable. If you are curious about the karst hill, please calm down, because visitors can climb the karst hill when the weather is enough clear. From the top of the karst hill you can see the coast and the open sea more clearly. You have to be careful to maintain safety because this hill is quite high and steep.

Ngandong Beach is one of the beaches that have a beautiful sunset on Gunung Kidul. This is because this beach is directly facing the Indian Ocean, only slightly jutting to the west. It is perfect time if you visit it at dusk, with someone you love. Apart from being one of the spots to enjoy a beautiful sunset, Ngandong Beach also has another attraction, namely Cemara Udang. The pine trees that thrive are very nice to be used as photo spots and get relax after being satisfied enough with activities on the beach.

For those of you who want to get around the beach, you can rent a boat provided by fishermen. You can enjoy beautiful and natural beach views closer with the boat. To rent a boat you only need to pay Rp 50,000 for as you want, so it is guaranteed that you can play the boat until you are completely satisfied. Even though it is safe and driven by experienced fishermen, you must always be careful. Well, if you are curious about the underwater life you can try snorkeling.

This beach provides snorkeling equipment that you can rent at an affordable price. In addition to snorkeling clothes, you can also rent a snorkeling camera. You only need to pay for Rp 50,000. So, don’t you want to miss it, right? Or if you are someone who has high levels of adrenaline, it is highly recommended to try jet sky. Indeed, renting a jet sky is quite expensive, but it is guaranteed to be worth with the extraordinary and adrenaline-testing experience you will get.

Even if this place is not yet known by many people, the facilities on this beach are very complete. There are public toilets, food stalls, a spacious parking area, and homestay. If you stay overnight, you are better to get up early and then go out to the beach so you don’t miss enjoying the beautiful sunrise view.

Ngandong Beach is located on the road of South Coast of Java, Sidoharjo, Tepus, Gunung Kidul. From the direction of downtown Jogja you can walk south to Piyungan, from Piyungan continue the journey towards Pathuk, until you arrive at the Gading Lanud junction, then turn right towards Playen and Paliyan, follow the road to Baron beach until you find a signpost Ngandong Beach and it’s before Baron Beach. It takes approximately 3 hours to get to Ngandong Beach. The entrance ticket to enter this beach is very affordable; it’s only for Rp. 10,000. That price includes an entrance ticket to explore other beaches around Ngandong Beach. Is it Affordable price, right?


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