Do You Have A Phobia? Don’t Try The Suspension Bridge of Sinden Beach and Kalong Island


If you are afraid of heights, you should not play on the suspension bridge in the Gunugkidul area. Because you have to face not only the height of the bridge, which was once used to catch fish and lobsters, but also the rare footing boards that make your heart beat faster because of the huge waves below. Also, strong winds create crashing sounds that are even more terrifying for those of you who have a fear of heights. On the other hand, traveling to Siden Beach and Kalong Island is appropriate for people who enjoy challenges.

Access to Sinden Beach and Kalong Island Tourism

Traveling to natural tourist sites can be challenging, especially in the Gunungkidul area, where tourism has yet to improve. You must be ready to go down a steep road when you want to go to Sinden Beach or Kalong Island. No cars or motorcycles can get through the cobblestone streets, so you must walk up to the bridge.

Gunungkidul’s natural attractions, like the Suspension Bridge of Sinden Beach and Kalong Island, are full of challenges and not a good choice for people who are afraid of heights. To get to Sinden Beach and Kalong Island, make sure you have enough legs and supplies, especially mineral water. For beauty’s sake, you must be ready to climb and descend roads on rocks.

 The extremes of Sinden Beach, which make your legs tremble

Sinden Beach, in Jepitu Village, is very different from the other beaches you’ve been to because it doesn’t have long stretches of white sand. Instead, it has steep, high cliffs that don’t end. With the waves crashing down at Sinden Beach, you must be very careful where you put your feet to enjoy the sea.

So, people afraid of heights should go somewhere other than the Sinden Beach Suspension Bridge or Kalong Island. If you haven’t reached the bridge yet, you’re scared as soon as you step onto the cliffs of Sinden Beach, which don’t have any walls to protect you. If you take one wrong step on Sinden Beach, the angel of death might come and get you.

Suspension Bridge, a challenging tour in Gunung kidul

Indonesians are well-known for being quick to adopt new trends, particularly those currently trending on social media. One of them is the connecting bridge between Sinden Beach and Kalong Island, which has become the most talked-about Jogja tourist attraction and fills the Instagram feeds of millennials who aren’t afraid of heights. Gunungkidul’s natural offerings are not fictitious, let alone serving as a backdrop for instagenic photos from the suspension bridge.

You must be interested in photographing the Suspension Bridge of Sinden Beach and Kalong Island. However, if you fear heights, you should avoid this bridge because it is only made of boards that have been arranged and tied together with ropes. The boards used to construct the suspension bridge were also sparsely spaced and had holes in them. Strong winds also make balancing this suspension bridge tour difficult.

The exoticism of Kalong Island

Crossing an extreme suspension bridge must be thrilling, especially when the waves continue to make noise in an attempt to shake everyone’s confidence. Taking a break and enjoying the exoticism of Kalong Island will serve as medicine before crossing it again to return to Sinden Beach and safely return home. Once inhabited by bats, today, only rocks and trees remain on Kalong Island.

You can only visit the Suspension Bridge of Sinden Beach and the Kalong Island on the weekends, on Saturday and Sunday, and it costs 10,000 rupiahs to get into Sinden Beach. You need to bring along 25,000 rupiahs if you want to take pictures while crossing the bridge that people who are afraid of heights avoid. You’re braver and can add an extra 50,000 rupiah to go camping or fishing.


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