Healing in the Tourism Village


Yogyakarta as a tourist destination with hundreds of destinations from Kulon Progo Regency to Gunungkidul Regency presents a suitable place for healing.

Healing is an activity for people who need a moment of peace by going somewhere. The location chosen can be a natural tourist destination that offers a calm view and atmosphere.

Visiting a Tourism Village can provide its own experience, enjoying the nature and culture around it can also provide positive energy for tourists. So, which tourist villages are ready to be visited? Here’s a list of tourist villages that are suitable for healing.

  • Desa Wisata Widosari (Widosari Tourism Village)

The tourist village located in Samigaluh, Kulonprogo in 2022 was named a developing tourist village in the Anugerah Desa Wisata Indonesia (ADWI) event.

Widosari Village presents a view of the Menoreh hills, which have many unique cultures and fascinating landscapes.

Tourists can enjoy the coolness of the tea plantation in Padukuhan Tritis. To walk through the tea plantation, a path has been provided on a neatly arranged terrace and has the same height in each array, making it a favourite location for taking selfies.

Rajendra Farm sheep village is located not far from the tea plantation, which offers livestock education activities, sheep-based culinary, camping and outbound facilities.

Enjoy sunrise at Puncak Widosari (Widosari Peak), the highest point of a hill called Bukit Widosari (Widosari Hill), which is a cluster of the Menoreh Hills. The hill offers stunning natural scenery with a large stone icon on top of the hill and is a famous tourist attraction.

The Widosari Peak site in Widosari Village has been designated as a geoheritage by the central government in 2021 out of 20 geological sites (Geosite) in Yogyakarta.

  • Desa Wisata Tepus (Tepus Tourism Village)

In Tepus Tourism Village, Gunungkidul, there is one spot that is still rarely visited by tourists, namely Mbeling Beach. This destination is still unfamiliar to the public, as it is unlike any other beach in Gunungkidul.

At Mbeling Beach, there is no sandy beach area, and tourists cannot even play in the water. However, visitors can visit there and see the ocean from the high cliffs. This spot is also suitable for healing and relaxing.

This beach is usually only visited by anglers or local residents. Tourists who want to visit should be careful because the area still does not have many facilities such as cliff guardrails, and access is only enough for motorised vehicles.

  • Desa Wisata Wukirsari (Wukirsari Tourism Village)

A tourist village in Bantul Regency that offers cultural tourism and batik education. Located not far from the King’s Tomb area, tourists can take a religious tour at the Tomb of the Kings of Pajimatan and the Tomb of Sunan Giriloyo.

Tourists can learn and see firsthand the process of making batik. The batik centre here is also often used as a reference for various schools and universities to learn about batik. In addition, tourists can get written batik at a relatively cheaper price.

In addition to batik handicrafts, Wukirsari Village also has leather handicrafts or tatah sungging, which is a handicraft owned by generations with products in the form of puppets and other leather decorations.

  • Desa Wisata Pentingsari (Pentingsari Tourism Village)

Its location on the slopes of Merapi makes this village always have cool air, both during the day and night. Tourists can do many things that can relax the mind and body. With a beautiful rural atmosphere, the cool air of the Merapi slopes, and local wisdom that still feels authentic, it will refresh the body.

There are many activities that can be done here besides enjoying the natural beauty of the countryside. Here tourists not only stay overnight, but can also take part in various activities and socialise with local residents, such as plowing rice fields, harvesting rice, and fishing. Tourists can also take a short course in Javanese dance, learn karawitan, janur creations, and at certain times, visitors can attend kenduri or village thanksgiving. If you come with a group, there are also outbound facilities and mud football.

Pentingsari Village also has a Joglo Herbal, which is a joglo devoted to herbal medicine consultation. Here tourists can consult about herbal plants that have certain properties. Not only that, tourists can also get herbal seeds and various organic vegetables.

Translator: Sofia Annisa Levinawati


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