8 Sunrise Spots You Must Visit


Hunting the beauty of the sunrise becomes its own entertainment for sunrise hunters. The
beauty of the sun that shines in the morning feels very warm and is a highly expected moment. To capture the perfect moment of sunrise, people are usually willing to go to a distant place to enjoy it. They would go to a high place to witness the beauty of the sun’s rays breaking through the darkness of the morning.

In Jogja, there are many sunrise spots you can visit. Some even call it ‘the golden sunrise’
because the rising sun sheds a beautiful golden colour.
Here are some recommended sunrise spots:
1. Mount Ireng
The first recommended location is Mount Ireng. The name “Gunung Ireng” which
means black mountain comes from the Javanese language “ireng” meaning black. It
consists of black stones surrounded by few trees. The rocks found on Mount Ireng are
similar to those found on Nglanggeran hill. Its location in the highlands creates a cool
and chilly atmosphere, guaranteeing you’ll enjoy the sunrise here. The combination of
the sky, hills, clouds, and trees that adorn the beauty of the rising sun becomes the point
of view here.

Mount Ireng is located in Ngrancahan, Pengkok, Patuk District, Gunung Kidul Regency,
Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is 25.6 km away from Tugu Yogyakarta and takes
about 1 hour to reach.

2. Cendana Hill
The next location is in the Kulon Progo area, called Cendana Hill. It is highly recommended to visit this tourist spot in the morning before the sunrise or during sunset, as from Cendana Hill you can enjoy both moments simultaneously. It offers a very captivating panorama, with observation decks provided for you to enjoy an unforgettable experience.

The green expanse pleases the eyes, and the vastness of Sermo Reservoir is clearly visible from the top of Cendana Hill. To reach the peak of Cendana Hill, you only need to walk for about 5-10 minutes, then you can wait for the beautiful sunrise from the east.
Cendana Hill is located in Tegiri 2, Hargowilis, Kokap District, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, with a distance of 38 km from Tugu Yogyakarta, which takes about 1 hour and 18 minutes.

3. Panguk Hill
The next location is still in the hilly area, namely Panguk Hill. This hill location is directly facing east, making the view from this hill very suitable for enjoying the sunrise. It is highly recommended to visit Panguk Hill in the morning before sunrise, as the natural beauty in the morning is very captivating and soothing to the eyes, mind, and heart. The sea of clouds at the foot of Panguk Hill and the sun peeking from the hill are the main attractions of this hill. While enjoying the beauty of its nature, the air on this hill is very cool, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere.

Panguk Hill is located in Kediwung, Mangunan, Dlingo District, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is 28 km away with a travel time of 1 hour and 2
minutes from Tugu Yogyakarta. The entrance fee to Panguk Hill is very cheap, only Rp.
3,000, and parking is just Rp. 2,000. With only Rp. 5,000, you can already enjoy the
incomparable beauty of the sunrise.

4. Ngisis Hill
Let’s move to an area still in the hills but located in Kulon Progo, called Ngisis Hill.
The place is named Ngisis Hill. In Javanese, “ngisis” means a place to seek the gentle
breeze. This hill is located at the Zero Point of Nglinggo Tea Plantation at an altitude
of about 900 meters above sea level. From the hill’s peak, you can enjoy beautiful views.
On clear days, you can see Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Sumbing, and Sindoro. At this
hill’s peak, you can also wait for both the sunrise and sunset. Therefore, it’s perfect to
visit this attraction in the morning before the sun rises.

However, this attraction also offers camping packages if you prefer not to travel in the
early morning. The location of this hill is in Nglinggo Barat, Pagerharjo, Samigaluh
District, Kulon Progo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta.

5. Mount Merapi
Next, the recommended sunrise location in the last peak area is none other than Mount
Merapi, the mountain that serves as a landmark for the people of Yogyakarta, standing
majestically visible from various angles of the city. For those who enjoy mountain
climbing, you definitely should not miss this experience. Mount Merapi is one of the
best sunrise spots in Yogyakarta. Despite being one of the most active volcanoes in
Indonesia, the natural beauty from its peak is always enticing.

Before hiking, you must ensure its current status. Because lately, its activity has been
increasing, so it’s important to be cautious of the potential hazards. It’s better to be
prepared from the beginning rather than facing unexpected situations.

6. Sundak Beach
Sunrise does not always have to be seen from high places; the beauty of sunrise from
lowland areas can be equally captivating. Sundak Beach is a delightful beach destination for you to visit because of its expansive white sand beach, complemented by cliffs or rocky formations that enhance the scenery. The beach still maintains its exotic and natural charm. It would be very enjoyable to visit this beach with family or travel companions. To catch the sunrise at this beach, you can head there before the sunrises.

Given its spacious location, there are plenty of activities visitors can engage in, such as
playing beach soccer, volleyball, or group outbound games while enjoying the beauty
of the beach.

This beach is located at Jl. Pantai Sundak, Sidoharjo, Tepus District, Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is quite far, approximately 67 km or 1 hour and 53 minutes’ drive from Tugu Yogyakarta.

7. Krakal Beach
Next, still in the lowland area, we continue to another beach that is equally beautiful as
Sundak Beach, which is Krakal Beach. At this beach, we can enjoy the breathtaking
sunrise, with the vast expanse of the open sea from the beach’s edge, combined with
rocks in the middle of the beach creating an exotic and enchanting view. It is highly
recommended to visit this beach when the weather is very clear, as it greatly enhances
the scenery we can enjoy when the weather is sunny.

Krakal Beach is located in Rejosari, Kemadang, Tanjungsari District, Gunung Kidul
Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, with a distance of 65 km and a travel time of
1 hour and 51 minutes from Tugu Yogyakarta.

8. Jungwok Beach
The last location we recommend in the lowland area is Jungwok Beach. The beauty of
the sunrise here is hard to describe because it’s just so stunning. This beach is still
relatively untouched by many because it’s situated on the eastern coast of Yogyakarta.
Getting to this beach requires considerable effort, as you have to walk about 1 km from
the parking area to the beach, and the terrain is quite rocky and steep. However, the
effort pays off when you reach this beach, especially when enjoying it in the morning
as the sun rises. The combination of the natural panorama of the sea and sky with the
rising sun is simply breathtaking.

Jungwok Beach is located in Pendowo, Jepitu, Girisubo District, Gunung Kidul
Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is quite far from the city center,
approximately 76 km and a travel time of 2 hours and 19 minutes.

Translator : Rafah Camelia


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