Resto With the Collaboration Between Modern and Traditional : Java Poetry


Hello if you are visiting jogja never go wrong to visit also java poetty located in Sagan Yogyakarta, even though the place is in the down town  it feels so  mythical and it keep that old building  existed. You may enjoy Calmness in the middle of the city crowd.

This restaurant  address is in jalan dewi sartika 17 sagen Yogyakarta, the concept of this resto is unique because it features the beautiful dutch old building architecture, there are a view rooms separated which is each of them set to dine java poetry valso provides yoga center in the hall

The special menu of this resto are ice crem and brownies. Other menu are various traditional and western cuisine, both food and beverages, beside that the prices are good.

It feels cozy in a whole day and it feel romantic  at night. The ligth artistic and beautiful it  spoils your feelings to stay comportable while enjoying meals. That is the nuance you can enjoy here therefore, this place is recommended to have quality time with your friends and family.

In addition the facilities you may get such as outdoor seat free parking, free wifi. Ad exactly it is easy to make reservations. (san/yud)


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