Hotels in Yogyakarta: Let’s sent this warm sign of love


Solidarity action was done by numbers of hotels in Yogyakarta to show the concern amid Covid-19 pandemic. Brought the tagline #fromJogjawithLove, approximately, around 65 hotels, starting from 3-stars to 5-stars hotel, were joining this project.

As a city with tons of magnificent cultures and tourist attractions, tourism cannot be separated from Yogyakarta, as well as the fact that hospitality and tourism industries is a unity that cannot be released because it provides a reciprocal relationship that drives the people’s economy. The current situation that not only affecting people’s health but also most aspect in society’s life, including economic part, gave a push for several general managers of hotels in Yogyakarta to make a spontaneous act of solidarity. The idea is spreading the warm love by making a love symbol formation from the light of the rooms. This action was carried out simultaneously on Saturday, April 14, 2020 at 19.00 – 21.00 WIB. The action “From Jogja With Love” is a symbol of empathy, the spirit of togetherness, and the hope that Yogyakarta tourism will soon return to its original state and soon step into a new and increasingly bright phase. (san/aws)


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