Pakualaman Tourism Village is sustaining tourist destination of the Kadipaten Pakualaman Palace and TNI Museum or Indonesian National Armed Force Museum in Jendral Sudirman street. Pakualaman Tourism Village is partly located in the Gunungketur area and in the Purwokinanti Village, Pakualaman. Allied to the existence of the Pakualaman region, it cannot be separated from the presence of the Puro Pakualaman Palace and Prince Natakusumo (Sultan Hamengkubuwono I ‘s son), which was later crowned as Pakualam I. There are interesting things related to location direction of Kasultanan Yogyakarta Palace which is entirely pivoting north- south and acing east-west. As the center of the Government, Puro Pakualaman Palace has also a palace square or Alun-alun (Sewandanan), Mosque, Market, residential areas for local people, royal member, and also the courtier.

Potential attraction
Culture: Karawitan, Jemparingan (traditional archery)
Crafts: The handmade Batik of Puro Pakualaman, bamboo, brass, wood crafts
Traditional culinary: traditional herb “Jamu Ginggang”, enting-enting, Gudeg Permata, Sewandanan culinary
Puro Pakualaman Palace Museum: royal carriages and palace’s goods collection

The Changing Guard ceremony at Pakualaman Palace is held every 35 days precisely on Saturday Kliwon.
Grebeg Kampung is held annually
Primary Package Itinerary :
08.30 – 09.00 Welcome Drink
09.00 – 10.30 Visiting Puro Pakualaman Museum
10.30 – 11.30 Workshop of Jemparingan
11.30 – 12.30 Workshop of Karawitan and (optional) classical dance
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch

Remarks: Reserve a day before arrival

Jogja Classic Homestay
Beji Homestay
Yulia Griya Singgah
Omah Tluki
Homestay 46

traditional herb “Jamu Ginggang”
gudeg permata
Sewandanan culinary


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