The image of culture city has been so attached to Yogyakarta. The aura of the culture city is also supported by the existence of the museums and the cultural heritages that can be seen in every city corner of Yogyakarta. One of those museums is Puro Pakualaman Museum. This museum is under Bebadan Museum Puro Pakualaman which was inaugurated on January 29th 1981, in Puro Pakualaman complex that is about 2 km to the east from Malioboro

Whole collections of this museum are displayed in 3 rooms, in the front part of the eastern Puro Pakualaman palace complex. By the gate or called as regol Wiwara Kusuma (the decoration of the symbol of crown of Praja Pakualaman and the plant of lung-lungan), this gate becomes the entrance gate of Puro Pakualaman Museum.
Built on August 7th 1884, in the government era of Paku Alam V, and with the sign of Javanese letter “Wiwara Kusuma Winayang Reksa” this gate represents the symbol of protection, justice, and wisom.

A set of throne of Prince Adipati Praja Pakualaman which consists of two big thrones and a round table with a red and yellow gold carving becomes really beautiful collection in this museum. In addition, there are also displayed a set of cempuri (betel leaves place), kecohan, songsong (an umbrella) Tanggul naga, and a set of throne.

The other collections in this museum are such as keris of Tanggung Blambangan and two big keris (namely kombakarna and dasmuka) created by the dutch engineer. There are also various kinds of weapon of VOC era like long and short barreled carabine, large and small caliber, bullet holder, bayonet, and also sharps stab weapons which becomes the collections that could remain us about the power of VOC

Various traditional clothes of Puro Pakualaman become also a part of the museum collections which are like the clothes of Plangkir soldier, royal courtiers, Prince Adipati Praja Pakualaman, the empress of Prince Adipati Praja Pakualaman, and Bedoyo Sagmita Hasta. The other collections of this museum are the ancient fiddle of Sri Puro Paku Alam VII and also the royal carriage that used in the official royal ceremony.

The location of Puro Pakualaman Museum : Puro Pakualaman Complex Yogyakartta I Operational Hours : Monday – Thursday at 08.00 – 13.00, Friday at 08.00 – 11.00, and Saturday – Sunday at 08.00 – 13.00


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