People who like to see nature from a high place, surely, know about the Jangkang hills. In this case, “heights lover” doesn’t mean someone who likes to soar through the air. Instead, it means someone who likes to look at the natural beauty found at the tops of mountains and hills. When you look at the Menoreh hills around Sermo reservoir, Jangkang Hills is one of them. This hill is on the north side of the Sermo Reservoir. In Sermo Lor Hamlet, Hargowilis Village, Kokap District, Kulon Progo. It is in Kulon Progo. Bukit Jangkang will show off the beauty of the Sermo Reservoir in a different way. Sermo Reservoir looks even more beautiful from the top of the Jangkang hill because it looks even more gorgeous from there. The name “Bukit Jangkang” comes from the fact that a tree called an “anchor tree” is on the hill. It was cut down, and a viewing post was built at the top of this hill. Eventually, this tourist spot was named Bukit Jangkang by the young people around at the time. In this area, there used to be a lot of trees called “Anchor trees.” After 2017, some of these trees were cut down and turned into tourist attractions.

In the same way as Cendana Hill in Tegiri 2 Hamlet, this Bukit Jangkang tour is set in the Menoreh hills with the Sermo reservoir in the middle. When you visit Bukit Jankang, you’ll see the Sermo Reservoir in a new way. If you come to this hill in the morning or the afternoon, the charm will be even more beautiful. During the first part of the day, you’ll be able to see the typical coolness of the hills, with green trees covered by a thin fog. When the sun comes out in the morning, Sermo’s reservoir will also look more elegant and pretty. In the afternoon, there will be a lot of different nuances, but the atmosphere will change to be so romantic and calm. Sky and hills on the side of the Menoreh hills will look pretty when the sunset dish has reddish-orange tinges. Indeed, the Sermo Reservoir is going to add to its beauty by bouncing the orange light from the sunset off of it.

Some young people who are going to get married like the variety of beauty that is out there. Anchor hill is one of the most popular places for young couples to go for pre-wedding or wedding photos. During their travels, the couple will be able to look back on beautiful pictures with beautiful scenery behind them. The viewing platform at the top of the hill is one of the best pre-wedding locations. The concept of the viewing post built at Bukit Jangkang is the same as that of the viewing post built at Bukit Cendana. It is also suitable for filling your Instagram feed if you are not pre-wedding. A great photo with a Sermo reservoir in the background will attract dozens of heart signs in your uploads.

Bukit Jangkang’s facilities are very well-equipped. A prayer room, a bathroom, and a rest area are some of the things that are standard for public places. At this place, there are also a lot of small shops that sell snacks and typical Kulon Progo snacks. Facilities like the photo service are pretty unique and exciting. As previously stated, this location is one of the best photo opportunities near the Sermo Reservoir. It’s no surprise that there are photo services that will take pictures patiently and guide you to get the best shots. With the various facilities available, the retribution fee is only Rp. 3,000 per person. Parking tickets, in general, range between Rp. 2,000 and Rp. 5000, depending on the type of vehicle. To get to this tourist spot, you should use a private vehicle, especially a motorbike. The narrow streets are one of the reasons, and you will be freer to get around using this two-wheeled vehicle.


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